Robert Ressler famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Tie my handlebars to the stars so I stay on track & if my intentions stray I'll wrench them away,then I'll take my leave & I won't even look back

  • I like the marathon because it's one race where you can find out who's really the toughest. On the track, sometimes a guy can just pull away, and you want to stay with him but you don't have the leg speed. The marathon is slow enough that anyone can stay with you if he wants, if he has the will. The marathon is ultimately a test of will.

  • Begin to rejoice in the Lord, and your bones will flourish like an herb, and your cheeks will glow with the bloom of health and freshness. Worry, fear, distrust, care-all are poisonous! Joy is balm and healing, and if you will but rejoice, God will give power.

  • There is not a command God gives to His children for which He does not provide the enablement for obedience.

  • A diary need not be a dreary chronicle of one's movements; it should aim rather at giving salient account of some particular episode, a walk, a book, a conversation.

  • He gives me the hairy eyeball, and asks me to help him find his pancreas.

  • The mortal sickness of a mind too unhappy to be kind.

  • Are you really angry, or simply aware of anger in the body and mind? Don't speculate, simply look at what is there.

  • The approach of death certainly concentrates the mind.

  • Some temptations cannot be fought. One must close one's mind and fly from them