Junior Kimbrough famous quotes


  • It's really a sad story, and I liked that. The songs on this album talk about relationships in every aspect.

  • Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart. Audacious longing, burning songs, daring thoughts, an impulse overwhelming the heart, usurping the mind--these are all a drive towards serving Him who rings our hearts like a bell. It is as if He were waiting to enter our empty, perishing lives.

  • There are few things more wearisome in a fairly fatiguing life than the monotonous repetition of a phrase which catches and holds the public fancy by virtue of its total lack of significance.

  • Fancy language, like poplin, too often conceals an eczema.

  • What's fame? a fancy'd life in other's breath. A thing beyond us, even before our death.

  • Thou wilt find rest from vain fancies if thou doest every act in life as though it were thy last.

  • The line was originally, ‘Captain Phillips, get a load of me: fancy-free on the seven seas,’ but I ad-libbed.

  • Before you consult your fancy, consult your purse.

  • Companies should be selling ideas more than benefits. Sell ideas. Not stuff.

  • Honestly, I've always had difficulty relaxing, unwinding and going to bed - that kind of stuff.

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