Ted Hendricks famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • He said something was unique: I like to push the limit to how much air we can put in the football, even go over what they allow you to do, and see if the officials take air out of it,

  • I'm not good for you. I don't know why you make me want you so bad. I was angry with myself when I said all that earlier. I was mad because I wanted you in a way I'd never experienced before. Before you, I just wanted to excel in football and school. I wanted my parents to be proud of me. But now, I want other things too. You get to me in a way I don't understand

  • Basketball is my favorite sport, and I'm also a very passionate football fan.

  • I love the flow of the game. There's a certain fluidity to basketball. I don't enjoy watching baseball or football in the same way.

  • There's a certain amount of one-way shirt swapping going on.

  • I can make more generals, but horses cost money.

  • The wedding vows are a license to be a complete jerk, with full knowledge that the person you married has agreed, no matter how large a horse's ***** you are, to stay by your side until death. A fool could tell you this is a bad deal.

  • If Americans want to see results instead of rhetoric, if taxpayers would like solutions instead of sound bites, and hard work instead of horse trading, I suggest you take a short look, and it won't take much longer, at the accomplishments of this Congress.

  • To contact the deeper truth of who we are, we must engage in some activity or practice that questions what we assume to be true about ourselves.

  • I dedicate myself and work hard in the weight room and treat every practice as if it were a game.

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