Jamie Linden famous quotes


  • Right now I'm doing four shows at a time, trying to read four outlines every week, four scripts every week, and watching four rough cuts; it's a lot of good work. It's fun to do it, but it does wear you out.

  • Teach the children so it will not be necessary to teach the adults.

  • I think modelling was like the university of life, really. You get to travel but you get thrown into this adult world, which is kind of quite scary.

  • When there's an adult person who's scaring you, you grow up pretty quickly.

  • Even if there was such a thing as a half-price sale at the local Ming outlet shop, she would have to work ten lifetimes to make up such a sum. Always supposing that it wasn't one of a kind. Panic was no longer merely rearing. It was thundering through her at full throttle. There was only one thing to be done, she realized. The mature, responsible, adult thing to do. Hide the evidence.

  • When I was growing up in the 1960s, there was starting to be more books geared towards young adults.

  • You should stop and listen to yourselves sometimes. 'We're practically adults, let us run wild.' 'We're only kids, leave us alone.'...You can't have it both ways.

  • I don't need to prove I'm an adult by being ultra-sexy that's immature

  • You eventually get used to looking at girls picking their leotards out of their bums and that sort of stuff.

  • Any material may be used but the theme is the same and the response is the same for all artwork... we all have the same concern, but the artist must know exactly what the experience is. He must pursue the truth relentlessly