Nirmala Srivastava famous quotes
50 minutes ago
If you want to know the reality, you have to become the spirit.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
If possible, try to talk good about others, always. By telling good about another person, you will help yourself and another person.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Wisdom means that it gives you detachment, detachment from all that is selfishness, self-centredness, self-obsession, ego - all connected with self.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
How to do meditation, many people ask. Don't do anything, just go into thoughtless awareness. Try to go to the thoughtless awareness. If you can get into that condition of thoughtless awareness, you've done your job because that's the point where you are with the truth, with the reality, with the joy, with everything that is so fundamental.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Spirit is like a mirror where you see yourself clearly and you start changing yourself.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
True and lasting solution to correct ills can be found only by inner, collective transformation of human beings.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
People do not believe that there is something like Sahaja Yoga, that there is a power in every human being which is universal and which can be enlightened. It is something beyond the conception of human beings that they can achieve this kind of a spiritual growth within themselves.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Auspiciousness comes only through balance.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
The reality of en-masse inner transformation of human beings by self-realisation is the most revolutionary discovery of the present age.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Freedom is when you really get your own powers which are within you.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Your nervous system has to become collectively conscious.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
The only way one can really understand what we are is by knowing yourself.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
There is no solution to any world problem, to any national problem, to any city problem or to any local problem, unless and until people get their Realization.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
You have to get something that is beyond, something special, something unique that happens to you, by which you become one with the whole. This is what should be asked for, not for all other things that people ask for. Isn't it? That's the truth. You have to achieve it, to be in your collective consciousness.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
So there is nothing to be proud of these worldly possessions. What you are to be proud of, or to be conscious of is your spirit. Spirit is the only thing that can kindle another spirit.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
You cannot intellectualize the Divine. You have to experience it on your central nervous system.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
The spirit is the only thing that is free within, which has no hang-ups, which has no habits, which does not stick on to anything, is completely detached and emitting joy to us.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Without satisfaction, you cannot have compassion. You have to be satisfied souls, then your compassion will act.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Now the best thing is to put attention to your spirit. If you start putting your attention to spirit, the sweetness of the spirit itself will make the whole thing very sweet and beautiful.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
The body of a human being is a temple of God. But this temple has to be enlightened and has to be auspicious. You have to clear and clean your being completely so it's a beautiful temple for God to reside.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Once you start growing in your self-realization, you develop such a personality that you see the whole world as one.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Spirit is the source of peace. It is the source of joy. It is not a duality of happiness and unhappiness, but singular joy.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
If there is no wisdom, rationality can be very dangerous.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Your kundalini rises. She is your mother. She is your individual mother and she gives you the second birth. That's how you get connected to the Divine Paradise.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Now the truth is that the Spirit is within you and you are the Spirit. You are the beauty, the bliss and the joy of that Spirit. That's what you are . Because your attention is not there, that's why you cannot feel your Spirit. But your Spirit exists; it is within you, in your heart, waiting for a moment to come into your conscious mind, to be felt by you in your central nervous system. It's all there, built within you.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
You are not the sum of your physical, mental, emotional life, but you are designed for the spiritual. The whole design of the human being is created to enjoy your spiritual life and not the material life. This is the basic thing human beings don't understand and that's why, if they knew this fundamental thing, they would seek their spirit first and they would not seek other things.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
You should be able to use your intellect and not to be dominated by your intellect.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
We are on this earth to become the Spirit, to be a channel of God's love and above all, to enter into the Kingdom of God.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
So as you are, in whatever conditions you are, in whatever situations you are, whatever may be the surroundings, like a dirty mire full of creatures and filth, you can become like lotuses. When you become like lotuses, all that is filth, all that is horrible can become fragrant. And this is what we have to achieve.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
The truth is you are the pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is a all-pervading Divine power of love. This power of love does all the living work.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Innocence never gets destroyed because it is eternal, but it may happen that it will get covered with some clouds by our mistakes that we commit. But once you get your Realization, your innocence is re-established, manifests, and you become innocent. Your attention becomes innocent.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Matter can never give you joy. It's the Spirit that gives you joy.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
When you're desireless you are happy because you are never disappointed, you are never nervous. So to be desireless doesn't mean that you become something absurd or ascetic or anything like that, but not to expect something.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
By meditation we develop that strength within us, so automatically we start solving the problem.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Unless and until you introspect you cannot even respect yourself. You cannot even love yourself. If you love yourself you will introspect and find out what's wrong.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
If you could stop reflecting, immediately you establish yourself in the ocean of peace.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Ego and conditionings are created by mind, which is a myth.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Whatever adventure you are into, whatever you are doing, your attention should be on your spirit.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Enjoyment is only possible when you are beyond your mind.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
The mind creates all the problems for an individual or for the collective. One has to go beyond the mind into thoughtless awareness, where there is peace.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Wisdom you don't get in colleges, schools, universities, nowhere. Where do you get it, the wisdom? You get it through your spirit, which gives you a complete idea as to what is right and what is wrong.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Wisdom doesn't mean that you know how to argue things or you fight with people. No, it doesn't mean that. Wisdom means how you take to the good side of everything to enjoy it. This is wisdom and that you avoid all destructive things and take to something constructive.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Your own attention is important, not the attention of others or your attention on others.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
God is reflected in your heart as your Spirit, called as Atma. Unless and until your attention reaches that Spirit, talking about it, doing anything about it, it's absolutely useless. You have to be really born again. It's an actualization, which should take place.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
When we are not realized, we are moving on the periphery, like a wheel and we are disturbed. But a realized soul is on the axis, which is silent. So he has the peace within himself.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
You have to develop that peace of mind within yourself by which you can become the witness of yourself first. You should be able to witness yourself and see what are the things, which are putting you down.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
We have to get awakened to the fact that in recent decades, great destruction has been caused to our moral values as a result of our children, parents and families, getting influenced by the chaotic conditions of modern times.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
What you have to do as soon as you know about somebody, then you have to think what goodness he has got, how can I imbibe that goodness within myself?
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Meditating together is the best way to feel the collectivity.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
The enjoyment of life is only possible if we could get connected to the spirit.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Dharma gives you the balance. It gives you the establishment into proper behavior, proper understanding, proper living, but it doesn't give you the completion of your journey. It doesn't give you the satisfaction of reaching the destination and your personality is still incomplete. So one has to have the experience of the spirit.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
If your body wants comfort, you try to make it learn to give up that. Try to make your body your slave and not you the slave of the body.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
The more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
The Spirit is like the steady axis of a wheel. If our attention reaches the immovable firm axis at the very centre of the wheel of our existence (which is constantly moving), we become enlightened by the Spirit, the source of inner peace, and reach a state of complete calm and self-knowledge.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Bliss can only come through gratitude, only through enlarging your heart with gratitude. Bliss is the reward of gratitude - the gratitude which is not just wordly or just spoken lip service, but is from the heart - the gratitude of the heart.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
There cannot be a new religion. Religion is a continuous living process within us which is our sustenance. It's like a ladder on which we climb, leaving one by one, step by step - but not leaving the ladder. All others are required.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
To get rid of greed, you should try to do some sort of a collective social work.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Those people who have got wisdom are very lucky people, but wisdom comes from no source but your own understanding of life. When a person starts thinking, "Why am I doing such and such thing ? What is the effect of my doing ? What is the result of my behaviour ? Is it good for me or bad for me ? " , then wisdom comes.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Innately within us, resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, to give the peace, the bliss and the joy of our being.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
After Self-Realisation it is easy to perceive the truth that all these religions were born on the same tree of spirituality, but that those in charge of each religion plucked the flowers from the living source and are now fighting each other with the dead flowers of merely partial truths.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
So thoughtless awareness is the first beautiful state you have to achieve. That will give you peace and a witness state to enjoy the drama of life, to enjoy the different varieties of people, while you will be growing within yourself.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
So, the first thing we should introspect - are we concerned about ourselves ? All the time do we think that we are suffering, we have this problem, that problem, or this should be done, that should be done. If the attention is on that, that all the time you are worried about yourself, then you cannot break, you cannot break through this shell of your being which is under the domination of your mental selfishness or self centeredness.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Reality and truth are not products of rational or linear thinking. They are derived from absolute wisdom as it manifests itself spontaneously, coming from the light of the Spirit.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
It is everyone's right to achieve this state of ones evolution and everything necessary is already inbuilt. But as I respect your freedom, you have to have the desire to achieve this state, it cannot be forced upon you!
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Absolute knowledge is only possible when you know the Absolute Truth and to have the Absolute Truth you have to go to the Absolute Being within you which is your Spirit. So, it gives you the truth, it gives you the collective consciousness. The main thing is that you become extremely peaceful personality, you become peace, you emit peace.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
We have had philosophies, we have ideologies, we have so many kinds of enterprises but despite that there are so many differences and the differences are having larger and larger gaps. If it is the truth, it has to be the truth for everyone. Everyone has to say: "This is The Truth". But it has to be the Absolute Truth. If it is not the Absolute Truth than what we believe into is not the reality. And this is the main reason why everything in the name of God, Divinity, everything has failed so far because it is not substantiated by reality.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
As scientists you must keep your minds open. There is no use having blind faith in Me, in Sahaja Yoga, in anything because blindness will never give you reality. But you should be open like scientists are and whatever hypothesis I am putting before you, you have to feel it on your central nervous system.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Whatever you have committed wrong in the past or whatever you used to think of the future, the present becomes divine. And that divine present is the ocean of joy of which you are the part and particle. Just enjoy that.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Sahaja Yoga is nothing but love, love, love. How much you love others is the main point.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
When you start witnessing something without thought, there is no obstruction for absorbing the knowledge about that thing because there is no thought. It's complete absorption which takes place. And then it manifests. This is how the Divine Power works within us. So with our gravity, what we do is to touch that depth within us, which can carry the Divine Power and manifest.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Some people are very identified, say with their country or maybe with their worshipping style , whatever it is. All these misidentifications have to be given up. It is very difficult for people because they are so conditioned and as long as you have conditioning you cannot rise above your mind, which is a myth, you cannot.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
One has to practice wisdom through living in the present.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Supposing the Mother Earth was very hot like the sun, there would have been no growth, or it was cold like moon, there would have been no growth. It had to come to the centre where it had both the things in proper proportions to grow. In the same way a human being has to work out that you keep a moderation and a balance and understand not to go to extremes of anything. That balance you learn when you love someone.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
One of the basic things we should avoid is to criticize others. Better to criticize yourself. Criticize yourself, criticize your brothers and sisters, criticize your country, criticize all the habits you have and laugh at yourself, is the best way. If you know how to laugh at yourself then you will not object or will not stand in the way of any creativity of another person.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
So spirituality itself should be self satisfying. If you are spiritually endowed, then you are self satisfied. And this self satisfaction within you will lead you to that ocean of joy about which I've been telling you and all the scriptures have described.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
When you stand in the present, you become thoughtlessly aware. And this state is the first state you achieve, and this is the state where you become absolutely peaceful within yourself. The peace is so great that you enjoy your peaceful existence. Not only that, but you become the source of peace. Wherever you go, you emit peace.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Once you jump in the ocean of love there's nothing to be done, just to be enjoyed, every wave of it, every hue of it, every touch of it. That is what one has to learn by reasoning that Sahaja Yoga is nothing but - is love.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Innocence is something to be appreciated, to be understood, to be enjoyed. Like you see animals, they're innocent; you see children, they're innocent; flowers, they're innocent. Divert your attention to all these things.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Joy is not like happiness, unhappiness. It is singular.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
Forgiveness is the greatest weapon that God has given us.
-- Nirmala Srivastava -
You don't have to have blind faith for anything. Blind faith leads to fanaticism. You shouldn't have blind faith at all. You have to experience, and after experiencing if you do not have faith, that means you are not honest.
-- Nirmala Srivastava
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