Charles Gilchrist Adams famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Hypocrite: The man who murdered his parents, and then pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan.

  • For good undone, and gifts misspent, and resolutions vain

  • He died a long painful death. However, you'll be happy to hear that just a few years later he was reincarnated as Shirley MacLaine.

  • A loud noise will get your fight-or-flight response going. This, over the years, can cause real cardiovascular damage.

  • Bismarck fought 'necessary' wars and killed thousands, the idealists of the twentieth century fight 'just' wars and kill millions.

  • For great men, religion is a way of making friends; small people make religion a fighting tool.

  • Fighting fire with fire only gets you ashes!

  • Above all, you must fight conceit, envy, and every kind of ill-feeling in your heart.

  • Creating something new is easy, creating something that lasts is the challenge.

  • I always want to set myself a challenge by doing something no-one would expect me to do! But, having said that, I don't feel as a musician you can steer too far away from what you normally do.

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