Rob Morrow famous quotes


  • I like money. That is, it is my preferred means of completing pecuniary transactions. I'm not particularly keen on handing over wads of currency of the realm, but at least one knows where one is, whereas the chequebook is a snare and a delusion, containing misleading numbers of blank cheques when none of the money that the bank contains is rightfully one's own. ... I think banks owe their customers a lot by way of compensation for the aggravation they cause them.

  • Quests are a huge inconvenience. Don't let anyone tell you differently, even if that person has experience. The problem is that people forget the pain and aggravation as soon as the quest ends successfully, and then they remember only the glorious parts. In this way quests are a bit like childbirth, even to the point of saying that quests often give birth to glory. Maybe.

  • I consider myself much better adjusted than Gabriel.

  • By the '40s, Sam Goldwyn is a very serious man. By the '50s, he's the dean of American producers. To the end, he was Hollywood's gray eminence.

  • If you're conservative in Hollywood, you're on a list of people who need to be put in their place.

  • As I often tell my students, the person you’ll have the hardest time opening to and truly loving without reserve is yourself. Once you can do that, you can love the whole universe unconditionally.

  • The world is run by C students

  • I'm not saying that they were Einsteins; they were marginal students. But every ballplayer whoever touched me has moved up his station in life. And the players moved up my station.

  • Never too late to learn some embarrassingly basic, stupidly obvious things about oneself.

  • Marshall is the coach's coach. No one is more of a listener, who learns from us (his students) from what we say or do not say. Taking from what he has heard, he molds for all of us a program to make us and our people better for having been in his presence.