Percy Jewett Burrell famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Pray, always pray; beneath sins heaviest load, Prayer claims the blood from Jesus' side that flowed. Pray, always pray; though weary, faint, and lone, Prayer nestles by the Father's sheltering throne.

  • Roxy Sorkin, your father just won the Academy Award. I'm going to have to insist on some respect from your guinea pig.

  • I wanted to live. For the father and brother who I never knew and for my mother who was cheated of a life of happiness. I wanted to live for them. And I wanted to live for me.

  • Basic personality traits develop early in life and over time become inviolable, hardwired. Most people learn little from experience, rarely thinking of adjusting their behavior, see problems as emanating from those around them, and keep on doing what they do in spite of everything, for better or worse.

  • On every level, despite differences in personalities and jobs, every single human being needs recognition and support.

  • I think George W. Bush has a warm, engaging personality. But, you know, the presidency is more than just a popularity contest.

  • I want my team to have my personality: surly, obnoxious, and arrogant.

  • The mine owners did not find the gold, they did not mine the gold, they did not mill the gold, but by some weird alchemy all the gold belonged to them!

  • The mills of God grind slowly.

  • Ask yourself whether you are happy', observed the philosopher John Stuart Mill, 'and you cease to be so.' At best, it would appear, happiness can only be glimpsed out of the corner of an eye, not stared at directly.