David Romtvedt famous quotes


  • Some of my academic friends think Ive fallen from a very special grace.

  • I was born by God's dear grace, in an extraordinary place. Where the stars and stripes, and the eagle fly.

  • G is Grace, the Flaming Star is the Torch of Reason. Those who possess this knowledge are indeed Illuminati.

  • With God, I can do all things! But with God and you, and the people who you can interest, by the grace of God, we're gonna cover the world!

  • Do we recognize the platform that Indian cinema has been given? Of course. And typically India of us, we gracefully acknowledge our host's grace and we thank you for celebrating us and our cinema.

  • We cannot learn to love other tourists,-the laws of nature forbid it,-but, meditating soberly on the impossibility of their loving us, we may reach some common platform of tolerance, some common exchange of recognition and amenity.

  • The behavior of the Taliban as well as their extremist attitudes do not correspond in any way with a tolerant Islam. We have always been opposed to extremist tendencies of Islam and we still are. We have not stopped insisting on defending an Islam of tolerance which would be profitable to every Muslim, in Afghanistan and in the whole world, and we will always defend it.

  • I want to be clear. No company is too big to be prosecuted. We have zero tolerance for corporate fraud, but we also recognize the importance of avoiding collateral consequences whenever possible.

  • When you make a world tolerable for yourself, you make a world tolerable for others.

  • N'attendez pas le jugement dernier. Il a lieu tous les jours. Do not wait for the last judgment. It happens every day.