Wilson Flagg famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?' 'Supposing it didn't,' said Pooh after careful thought. Piglet was comforted by this.

  • Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough.

  • If i get 8 hours to cut a tree i'll spend 7 hours to sharp my knife.

  • He had so many ways of climbing into the tree house in his head, escaping the madness below, and pulling the ladder up behind him...

  • Human life and objects and trees vibrate with mysterious meanings, which can be deciphered like cuneiform writing. There exists a meaning, hidden from day to day, but accessible in moments of greatest attentiveness, in those moments when consciousness loves the world.

  • I guarantee that the seed you plant in love, not matter how small, will grow into a mighty tree of refuge. We all want a future for ourselves and we must now care enough to create, nurture and secure a future for our children.”

  • The well-ordered mind knows the value, no less than the charm, of reticence. The fruit of the tree of knowledge ... falls ripe from its stem; but those who have eaten with sobriety find no need to discuss the processes of digestion.

  • In the belly of Leviathan ... one can either despair and perish, or be cheerful and persevere.

  • The rule of my life is to make business a pleasure, and pleasure my business.

  • The Lord is my Rock. He has always been there, always present at good times and bad; and to me when I feel His presence, my life is full.

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