Nikolaas Tinbergen famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • We are particularly interested in the mental health programs and policies that support our troops and their families before, during, and after deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • For those whose ganglia were formed pre-TV, the mimetic deployment of pop-culture icons seems at best an annoying tic and at worst a dangerous vapidity that compromises fiction's seriousness by dating it out of the Platonic Always, where it ought to reside.

  • I can do no more than characterise, and recommend, the Alexander treatment as an extremely sophisticated form of rehabilition, or rather of re-deployment, of the entire muscular equipment, and through that of many other organs. Compared with this, many types of physiotherapy which are now in general use look surprisingly crude and restricted in their effect - and sometimes even harmful to the rest of the body.

  • As system virtualization becomes mainstream, IT managers will find a greater need for disk imaging for disaster recovery and systems deployment,.

  • One bright and thankful look at the cross is worth a thousand morbid, self-condemning reflections.

  • Reality is like a fruitcake; pretty enough to look at but with all sorts of nasty things lurking just beneath the surface.

  • Quiet descended, a silence so consuming that even the drafty corridors ceased whistling. Bog wasn't certain where to look, so he solved the problem by plucking out his eyes and sticking them in a drawer.

  • Look for the enemies of Medicare, of higher minimum wages, of Social Security, of federal aid to education and there you will find the enemy of the Negro, the coalition of Dixiecrats and reactionary Republicans that seek to dominate the Congress.

  • We must break problems down into small, digestible bits. We must define the concepts that we use and explain what components they consist of. We must tackle small problems.

  • I advise students on the subject of color as follows: If it looks good enough to eat, use it.