Sandy Fussell famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Nature can seem cruel, but she balances her books.

  • I think there's a little me hiding behind your leg, Chichi." "I'm Goten." "I'm Goku. Hi!" .... "Daddy!

  • The people who criticise you will not be the ones taking care of your legs when you are in your wheelchair. People who never drove a car in these conditions, they just don't know.

  • The legs are the wheels of creativity.

  • They're very tenacious. They're dedicated. Once a woman decides she's going to do something, she'll probably stick to it. The only problem with women is if there's anything wrong with them, they won't tell you. They'll get out there and run on one leg. They don't moan and groan like a lot of men do.

  • The main thing in life is not to be afraid of being human.

  • The Lord is my Rock. He has always been there, always present at good times and bad; and to me when I feel His presence, my life is full.

  • Everyone's life is a page in the human history irrespective of the position he or she holds or the work he or she performs.

  • The last day of your life is still going to be a day.

  • Life is not meaningful...unle ss it is serving an end beyond itself; unless it is of value to someone else.