Gabriel Fackre famous quotes
And God 'sits in the heavens and laughs' at the proud who pretend to be more than they are.
-- Gabriel Fackre -
Here is a biblical and churchly spirituality so needed today as an alternative to the new age nostrums that crowd the mall bookstore shelves.
-- Gabriel Fackre -
The Christian Theology Reader brings the best primary sources to the theological inquirer.
-- Gabriel Fackre -
The work of the Spirit is the bringing to be of the vision of God....the capacitating of persons to 'see visions' and 'dream dreams'. .... The birth of the Church is the beginning of the End. ..... The Kingdom of God as the miracle of ocular newness when 'the blind see' makes its impact on history in the creation of a visionary community . [[The tongues were]] the language of the world to come... Therefore in this birth of the Church, the risen and ascended Lord takes to himself a Body on earth with eyes opened by the Spirit to see the future.
-- Gabriel Fackre -
A big 'thank you' to George Demetrion for helping readers see that the center does hold. A wise and winsome work.
-- Gabriel Fackre -
By faith we receive the saving grace of God that delivers us from guilt and sin. In love we participate in the victorious struggle of God against the principalities and powers of evil.
-- Gabriel Fackre
If a man is tongue-tied, don't laugh at him, but, rather, feel pity for him, as you would for a man with broken legs.
The monster London laugh at me.
In 1917 European history, in the old sense, came to an end. World history began. It was the year of Lenin and Woodrow Wilson, both of whom repudiated the traditional standards of political behaviour. Both preached Utopia, Heaven on Earth. It was the moment of birth for our contemporary world.
O my people, I disavow all that you associate [with God]. I orient my face with an exclusive orientation towards Him, who created the heavens and the earth and I am not one of the associators.
An epiphany enables you to sense creation not as something completed, but as constantly becoming, evolving, ascending. This transports you from a place where there is nothing new to a place where there is nothing old, where everything renews itself, where heaven and earth rejoice as at the moment of creation.
The church is not the way to heaven; the church is the sign that points to heaven.
If you feel that you are good, don't be too proud of it.
I am proud to be known to the world as the founder of the Illuminati.
The practical reason for freedom is that freedom seems to be the only condition under which any kind of substantial moral fiber can be developed we have tried law , compulsion and authoritarianism of various kinds, and the result is nothing to be proud of.
People can expect to see a lot of me - I'm not too proud to stand on corners and hold my campaign signs.
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