Francoise-Marguerite de Sevigne famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Artists are often excellent businessmen. They have to be. Otherwise they do not remain artists.

  • I want to be a real artist to consumers. I want to be the real thing for them.

  • An artist’s job is to captivate… if we stumble into truth, we got lucky.

  • I think with anything where you delve into the back story of an artist, it kind of explains their work more intimately.

  • I would just encourage any artist to stay focused, of course keep God first, and just keep working hard. Try to outwork those who you idolize.

  • The more an artist works the more there is to do.

  • Now almost every artist outside of New York is connected with some school or some museum school, and even in New York the majority are. That's an interesting fact when you take the idea of making money, making a living selling paintings. Only a dozen or two painters do that.

  • We all name ourselves. We call ourselves artists. Nobody asks us. Nobody says you are or you aren't.

  • Only a bad artist thinks he has a good idea. A good artist does not need anything.

  • Painting cannot be the only activity of a mature artist.