Lyn Gardner famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I know this because I understand now what love really feels like. The kind that consumes you. Love holds the power to break you. It holds the power to complete you.

  • I never consciously set out to be an actor. I just kind of did whatever acting I could do.

  • I don't understand the change of hair...Frankly, the fringe was a bad idea. It's not good.

  • There's this divergence out there between the very small and the very large with the middle disappearing. There is something paradoxical going on where there is this access and we can seek out things on the fringes, but that doesn't describe the overall reality, because the big are bigger than ever.

  • Piety is the most solid goodness, and the vilest of what is evil is vice.

  • Be a true representative of the goodness in your heart, and don't expect it to be easy or even noticed.

  • Love reacts with goodness towards those who ill-treat it.

  • Mornin' ladies, my goodness don't you look happy. Must be cuttin' somebody up pretty good.

  • Grace is not reserved for good people; grace underscores the goodness of God.

  • Raju Hirani films are filled with simplicity and goodness. I really love such films.

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