Guy Endore famous quotes


  • Keeping players happy is not easy and I think anyone with a big squad will tell you that.

  • I wanted to make something that reminded people of the way albums used to feel. I wanted something as good as the stuff put out by the Bomb Squad, or Dr. Dre and his production crew, or A Tribe Called Quest. I miss albums like those.

  • The talk of pale, burning-eyed students, anarchists and utopians all, over tea and cigarettes in a locked room long past midnight, is next morning translated, with the literalness of utter innocence, into the throwing of the bomb, the shouting of the proud slogan, the dragging away of the young dreamer-doer, still smiling, to the dungeon and the firing squad.

  • Americans think of themselves collectively as a huge rescue squad on twenty-four hour call to any spot on the globe where dispute and conflict may erupt.

  • Salvation for a race, nation or class must come from within. Freedom is never granted; it is won. Justice is never given; it is exacted.

  • As the Internet breaks down the last justifications for a professional class of politicians, it also builds up the tools for replacing them.

  • I hold that if the Almighty had ever made a set of men that should do all the eating and none of the work, he would have made them with mouths only and no hands, and if he had ever made another class that he intended should do all the work and none of the eating, he would have made them without mouths and with all hands.

  • I think people are rapidly losing confidence in the political class, and I don't blame them.

  • I wouldn’t trust the best fifteen minutes I ever lived to get me into heaven.

  • With AC/DC, we've always started with rock, and we've just kept it going. The critic's view is always , 'They just made an album and it's the same as the last one.' I'll have fifteen of them, anytime.