John Nettles famous quotes


  • I dont really take anything from home except some U.S. magazines and books and definitely some U.S. music. There are just certain songs that remind me of home.

  • Time is swift, it races by; Opportunities are born and die... Still you wait and will not try - A bird with wings who dares not rise and fly.

  • Salvation for a race, nation or class must come from within. Freedom is never granted; it is won. Justice is never given; it is exacted.

  • I'm not an expert on the arms race.

  • We feel strongly that the spirit characteristic of America at its noblest, above all the pursuit of higher learning, cannot admit of any conditions as to personnel other than those designed to promote the objects for which this institution is established, and particularly with no regard whatever to accidents of race, creed, or sex.

  • In the early days of the world, the Almighty said to the first of our race "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread"; and since then, if we except the light and the air of heaven, no good thing has been, or can be enjoyed by us, without having first cost labour.

  • The story of the human race is the story of men and women selling themselves short.

  • The getting out of doors is the greatest part of the journey.

  • It's a fact of earthly life that when God opens the windows of heaven to bless us, the devil opens the doors of hell to blast us. When God begins moving, the devil fires up all his artillery.

  • Every ransomed man owes his salvation to the fact that during his days of sinning, God kept the door of mercy open.