Jonas Armstrong famous quotes


  • The album feels like a new era for me -- emotionally, lyrically, sonically. It feels fresh, it feels new. It's still me. It's still stuff that fans know and love but it's a new chapter 100 percent.

  • I had a laptop when they weighed 10 pounds.

  • Software unification. So that I no longer care what computing device I pick up, whether it's a laptop or desktop, whether it's one I own or one in a public place, whether it has a small screen or a large screen.

  • A goal of Twitch is to be wherever gamers are, whether its on laptops and handheld devices or integrated into gaming consoles and software.

  • I write on a laptop, so it's impossible to count drafts anymore.

  • Its flattering that there are lots of Internet fan sites about me. Im a bit of a technophobe and I dont even own a laptop, but its probably a good thing Im not logged on, checking up on what everyone is saying about me.

  • Never trust quotes on the internet

  • The validity of internet quotes are getting sketchy nowadays

  • The Internet revolution is going to be like all the other revolutions we have seen in history. It's going to be over before a lot of us even know it started.

  • I invented the internet