Paul Carus famous quotes


  • Truth is generally the best vindication against slander

  • The trouble with too many people is they believe the realm of truth always lies within their vision.

  • The Analytical Engine has no pretensions whatever to originate anything. It can do whatever we know how to order it to perform. It can follow analysis; but it has no power of anticipating any analytical relations or truths. Its province is to assist us to making available what we are already acquainted with.

  • What is enquiry into the Truth? It is the firm conviction that the Self is real, and all, other than That, is unreal.

  • Science is the outcome of being prepared to live without certainty and therefore a mark of maturity. It embraces doubt and loose ends.

  • I value science--none can prize it more, It gives ten thousand motives to adore: Be it religious, as it ought to be, The heart it humbles, and it bows the knee.

  • Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.

  • There is a realm of time where the goal is not to have but to be, not to own but to give, not to control but to share, not to subdue but to be in accord. Life goes wrong when the control of space, the acquisition of things of space, becomes our sole concern.

  • The meaning of the Sabbath is to celebrate time rather than space. Six days a week we live under the tyranny of things of space; on the Sabbath we try to become attuned to holiness in time. It is a day on which we are called upon to share in what is eternal in time, to turn from the results of creation to the mystery of creation; from the world of creation to the creation of the world.

  • When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off.