Gwee Li Sui famous quotes


  • Is it a particularly British trait to so utterly adore truly appalling men, from Tony Hancock through to Steptoe and Alf Garnett, Captain Mainwaring, Rigsby, Del Boy, Victor Meldrew and on to David Brent from The Office. The most deeply adored characters are all simply vile.

  • This is our high calling, to represent Christ, and act in His behalf, and in His character and spirit, under all circumstances and toward all men.

  • I'm involved in some action scenes, so they'll train me for that. I'll be working with my acting coach to prepare for my character.

  • I have done scenes as Harvey Two-Face. It's interesting. I won't tell you exactly what we're going for, but I think that I can say that it will use all of today's technology to create this character. He's going to be interesting, and I think that's what makes this character important in the movie-you get to see him as he was before, as in the comic books. Harvey is a very good guy in the comic books. He's judicious. He cares. He's passionate about what he loves and then he turns into this character. So you will see that in this film.

  • The Christian is not obedient unless he is doing all in his power to send the Gospel to the heathen world.

  • I'm the world's expert on sterotypes held by academics about athletes and held by athletes about academics. To me, both of them are caricatures.

  • Keeping up appearances is the most expensive thing in the world.

  • I am not a pessimist but a pejorist (as George Eliot said she was not an optimist but a meliorist); and that philosophy is founded on my observation of the world, not on anything so trivial and irrelevant as personal history.

  • I thought religion would make me live with my head in the clouds, but as often as not, it grounds me in this world.

  • History has spurts and then is steady, and then maybe even backing up a step, and then forward again.

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