Steven Carroll famous quotes


  • I liked the fact she understood how we all have little secret habits that seem normal enough to us, but which we know better than to mention out loud.

  • One of my secrets is to joke all the time.

  • One bright and thankful look at the cross is worth a thousand morbid, self-condemning reflections.

  • Manchester has everything but good looks..., the only place in England which escapes our characteristic vice of snobbery.

  • In every literate society, learning to read is something of an initiation, a ritualized passage out of a state of dependency and rudimentary communication.

  • The passage is through, not over, not by, not around but through.

  • Lots of models have played mermaids throughout history and it is, kind of, a funny rite of passage.

  • Few of us go through life without taking part in some kind of rite of passage.

  • Perhaps what I do not manage to operate rapidly enough is the passage between the outside and the inside.

  • It is sheer folly when all is gone to lose even one's passage money.