Jeremy Bolt famous quotes


  • I believe it was the great ogre philosopher Gary who observed that complexity is, generally speaking, an illusion of conscious desire. All things exist in as simple a form as necessity dictates. When a thing is labeled 'complex,' that's just a roundabout way of saying you're not observant enough to understand it.

  • A successful film is a good film, and a non-successful film is a bad film. It's as simple as that.

  • If you just try long enough and hard enough, you can always manage to boot yourself in the posterior.

  • Better to be too early and have to try again, than be too late and have to catch up.

  • Good satire goes beyond the specific point it’s trying to make and teaches you how to think critically. Even after your favorite cartoonist retires or [Stephen] Colbert wraps it up, you’re not left believing everything they’re telling you.

  • Trying to guess what the (mass) audience wants and then trying to satisfy that is usually a bad recipe for getting something good.

  • Fold the worst events of your life into a narrative of triumph.

  • I would have had the same narrative, regardless of the atmosphere and the restrictions.

  • I feel that music on the screen can seek out and intensify the inner thoughts of the characters. It can invest a scene with terror, grandeur, gaiety, or misery. It can propel narrative switftly forward, or slow it down. It often lifts mere dialogue into the realm of poetry. Finally, it is the communicating link between the screen and the audience, reaching out and enveloping all into one single experience.

  • Our culture thrives on black-and-white narratives, clearly defined emotions, easy endings, and so, this thrust into complexity exhausts.

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