Alan Mullery famous quotes


  • He was so good and honest. Why couldn't I love him instead?

  • Any honest conversation about engaging young people must address discrimination against young people.

  • Do you know that the tendrils of graft and corruption have become mighty interlacing roots so that even men who would like to be honest are tripped and trapped by them?

  • Comedy is ugly. It's honest, it's raw.

  • If Nietzsche is correct, that to shame a man is to kill him, then any honest attempt at autobiography will be an act of self-destruction.

  • Our great error is that we suppose mankind to be more honest than they are.

  • To be honest with you, I'd rather not be working. When you work, there are all sorts of deadlines and pressures. I like to do one thing and take my time to do the other one.

  • I'm being honest, I say what I think.

  • To be honest, I haven't seen a lot of the current crop of teen movies because there's only so much time and there's nothing that really drives me to do it.

  • To be honest I always have to say no one is guiding me better than God

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