Dana Hee famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Freedom is never given; it is won.

  • Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

  • Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene.

  • The gods have fled, I know. My sense is the gods have always been essentially absent. I do not believe human beings have played games or sports from the beginning merely to summon or to please or to appease the gods. If anthropologists and historians believe that, it is because they believe whatever they have been able to recover about what humankind told the gods humankind was doing. I believe we have played games, and watched games, to imitate the gods, to become godlike in our worship of eachother and, through those moments of transmutation, to know for an instant what the gods know.

  • Major sports are major parts of society. It's not anomalous to have people who love sports come from other parts of that society.

  • Walking is the favorite sport of the good and wise.

  • I didn't grow up a theatre kid, going to theatre camps. I played sports, and that was my main direction. But luckily, I never had to choose between sports and theatre.

  • If you trust, you will be disappointed occasionally, but if you mistrust, you will be miserable all the time.

  • Let me be clear: Any new approach must ensure the integrity of the game. One of my most important responsibilities as commissioner of the NBA is to protect the integrity of professional basketball and preserve public confidence in the league and our sport. I oppose any course of action that would compromise these objectives. But I believe that sports betting should be brought out of the underground and into the sunlight where it can be appropriately monitored and regulated

  • I wouldn't give one iota to make a trip from the cradle to the grave unless I could live in a competitive world.

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