Decimus Laberius famous quotes


  • Repentance is for little children.

  • A calamity does not descend except due to a sin and it is not lifted except with repentance.

  • True repentance is to cease from sin.

  • I do not buy repentance at so heavy a cost as a thousand drachmae.

  • The knowledge of my sin Is half-repentance.

  • The sense of repentance is better assurance of pardon than the testimony of an angel.

  • America didn't need repeal, she needed repentance!

  • Reconciliation is not to be withheld when repentance—that is, deep, heart‐changing acknowledgement of sin and a radical redirection of life—takes place in the one being rebuked. Nor is reconciliation to be extended to someone who has not repented.

  • What the pundits call wishy-washiness, the Bible calls repentance.

  • Hasty counsels are generally followed by repentance.