Muneshine famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I want us to be a connected team-on and off the field.

  • No I or individual is better than the team. I've scored no goals just on my own. Every goal I've ever scored has been because of someone else on my team, their excellence, their bravery. And I'm kind of the end product of a collection of a really good vibe, and feeling, and creativity on the field.

  • I want to be a real artist to consumers. I want to be the real thing for them.

  • As an artist I would like to eliminate the symbolic pretty much, for black is interesting not as a color but as a non-color and as the absence of color.

  • Only a bad artist thinks he has a good idea. A good artist does not need anything.

  • I am as frustrated with society as a pyromaniac in a petrified forest.

  • The Middle East has the highest unemployment percentage of any region in the world we have the largest youth cohort of history coming into the market place that frustration does translate into the political sphere when people are hungry and without jobs.

  • It would be an endless battle if it were all up to ego because it does not destroy and is not destroyed by itself It is like a wave it makes itself up, it rushes forward getting nowhere really it crashes, withdraws and makes itself up again pulls itself together with pride towers with pride rushes forward into imaginary conquest crashes in frustration withdraws with remorse and repentance pulls itself together with new resolution

  • The outcome of fear is disappointment and shyness is frustration.

  • I'm just generally hugely frustrated, I'm a very, very frustrated man. I'm just a ball of pent-up frustration.

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