Gan De famous quotes


  • Every morning I wake up and thank God.

  • Mrs. Landingham, does the President have free time this morning? The President has nothing but free time, Toby. Right now he's in the residence eating Cheerios and enjoying Regis and Kathie Lee. Should I get him for you? Sarcasm's a disturbing thing coming from a woman of your age, Mrs. Landingham. What age would that be, Toby? Late twenties? Atta boy.

  • Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ....get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.

  • When I wake to the gift of yet another sunrise my first thought is to rouse him and say, I owe you the sight of morning.

  • Now, of my threescore years and ten, Twenty will not come again.

  • I always thought the name of Utah’s major newspaper was some sort of weird misspelling of the word “desert.” But no, Deseret is the “land of the honeybee,” according to the Book of Mormon. I guess I should have figured they would have caught a typo in the masthead after 154 years.

  • The World Health Organization ... estimated that 1.6 million years of healthy living are lost every year in Europe because of noise pollution.

  • My depth of purse is not so great Nor yet my bibliophilic greed, That merely buying doth elate: The books I buy I like to read: Still e'en when dawdling in a mead, Beneath a cloudless summer sky, By bank of Thames, or Tyne, or Tweed, The books I read — I like to buy.

  • Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized.

  • Lustre of man walking proud beneath the sky diminishes to nothing and goes unregarded.

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