J. R. Simplot famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • My definition of sexy is someone who is expressing themselves honestly.

  • When I perform in front of large audiences, I'm much more comfortable, because I've already performed in front of tiny audiences - which is much harder, honestly. The smaller you strip things down, the more you depend on the songs and yourself, as opposed to arrangements.

  • Honestly, what keeps me grounded is my faith and my value system.

  • I prefer for things to happen serendipitously, but honestly, I also love terrible pickup lines.

  • When I was with Ellen, I was telling people, If you come out, it's gonna be better for you. But I honestly don't know that.

  • Honestly, I'm really just a teddy bear.

  • I think anything that is expressed directly and as honestly as possible will last.

  • If you start thinking about being likable you are not going to tell your story honestly.

  • I can honestly say I've never chosen a film because where it's shot is convenient.

  • I honestly can't characterize my style in words. It seems that whatever comes to me naturally, I play