Geoffrey Ward famous quotes


  • History does not eliminate grievances. It lays them down like landmines.

  • We, while noting many things amiss about Victorian society, more often sense them judging us.

  • A land without ruins is a land without memories - a land without memories is a land without history.

  • From the time I read my first Hemingway work, The Sun Also Rises, as a student at Soldan High School in St. Louis, I was struck with an affliction common to my generation: Hemingway Awe.

  • First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me.

  • If the first requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite, the second is to put in your apprenticeship as a feeder when you have enough money to pay the check but not enough to produce indifference of the total.

  • I take the walk to be the externalization of an interior seeking so that the analogy is first of all between the external and the internal.

  • It is one of the paradoxes of journalism: The more servile a reporter is toward his sources, the more authoritative he can appear in print.

  • I think people should be consumers of journalism.

  • Journalism is always the art of the incomplete. You get bits and pieces.