Tom Neil famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • And silence sounds no worse than cheers After earth has stopped the ears.

  • Wherever I am, I see the yoke on women in some form or another. On some it sits easy for they are but beasts of burden. On others pride hushes them to silence; no complaint is made for they scorn pity or sympathy. On some it galls and chafes; they feel assured by every instinct of their nature that they were designed for a higher, nobler calling than to 'drag life's lengthening chain along.

  • In the end it’s all very simple. Either we give ourselves to Silence or we don’t.

  • We will not be silent. We will not obey. We will not allow our government to destroy our humanity.

  • Silence ought also to be the core of each concert. Remember the anagram: listen = silent.

  • The objective level is not words, and cannot be reached by words alone. We must point our finger and be silent, or we will never reach this level.

  • You are most powerful when you are most silent....

  • A silent figure is the dancer, true but still, words become dance, and all things there express'd.

  • I have often repented of having spoken, but never of having been silent.

  • I haven't been silent. I teach, I lecture at universities, I write, I'm not silent.

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