Ferdinand Hodler famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I hate the color red almost as much as i hate blond hair,"he said with an amused tone. -Dank

  • Beneath the armor of skin/and/bone/and/mind most of our colors are amazingly the same.

  • If artists do see fields blue they are deranged, and should go to an asylum. If they only pretend to see them blue, they are criminals and should go to prison.

  • But settled things were enemies to me and soon lost their newness and color. The unknown called.

  • With 'New Rose Hotel,' I knew that I was getting paid a $100,000 fee to write, produce, and direct, and that's all I was going to get.

  • I don't feel like I'm out of my element or anything like that. I'm very comfortable where I'm at. I enjoy being in this position, and actually it feels like I haven't really been away from it. I feel very comfortable out there from the first tee onwards.

  • With buildering, I get to keep that element of danger. Plus, I very much like the feeling of height, and buildings have even more of a feeling of height than rock faces.

  • Indeed, better risk management may be the only truly necessary element of success in banking.

  • Civilisation makes us all as alike as peas in a pod, and it is the very uncouth - uncivilised, if you will - element which individualises nations.

  • My painting occurs when I think of two disparate elements.