Hiro Fujiwara famous quotes


  • I place us where we are a happy couple who are madly in love, and we are kissing the way people kiss on their wedding day. With joy and relief and love. Without guilt. Without Shame.

  • I think most of the people, once you see a Kiss show, you kinda get spoiled because I don't think there's anybody out there that's doing a bigger or a better show than us.

  • That's what Kiss is all about - not just music, but entertainment, y'know? We're there to take you away from your problems, and rock and roll all night and party every day for those two hours you're at the concert.

  • The bottom line is the Kiss Army is growing by leaps and bounds.

  • If somebody had started on a remake of French Kiss before I announced my own film, I would have dropped my subject. If someone else starts after me, what am I to do?

  • Television gives us the gift to see ourselves as we'd like to be seen.

  • There is not a command God gives to His children for which He does not provide the enablement for obedience.

  • A diary need not be a dreary chronicle of one's movements; it should aim rather at giving salient account of some particular episode, a walk, a book, a conversation.

  • Pride only, the chief of all iniquities, can make us treat gifts as if they were rightful attributes of our nature, and, while receiving benefits, rob our Benefactor of His due glory.

  • I have never been on the receiving end of a hate crime, or even a disparaging remark to my face.