Chris Elliott famous quotes


  • The science of booby-trapping has taken a good deal of the fun out of following hot on the enemy's heels.

  • Right now I'm doing four shows at a time, trying to read four outlines every week, four scripts every week, and watching four rough cuts; it's a lot of good work. It's fun to do it, but it does wear you out.

  • Wouldn't you want to be indicted by the govenment for a high crime? It's a great thrill. It's an honor. It's a compliment. It's fun. I'm enjoying every minute of it!

  • My dad was so much fun growing up.

  • Recruiting Station was a story that came as the result of many anxious awakenings during many nights.

  • Last night I'd made love to a woman for the first and last time. It had been amazing and I had a memory that would shape the rest of my life.

  • Through the death of Christ on the cross making atonement for sin, we get a perfect standing before God. That is justification, and it puts us, in God's sight, back in Eden before sin entered. God looks upon us and treats us as if we had never sinned.

  • I love the voice - it’s the most perfect instrument ever heard. It’s God given.

  • No human is perfect; we all have our hidden sins. Hypocrisy is to delude yourself into denying your own sins and allow arrogance to grow within you.

  • Islam is perfect, there is nothing to be added or changed.