Vicki Donlan famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.

  • You cannot always have happiness, but you can always give happiness.

  • More people die on a per mile basis from drunk walking than from drunk driving.

  • The most important innovation in medicine to come in the next 10 years: the power of the human hand.

  • The holy name of Krishna has extraordinary spiritual potency because the name of God is nondifferent from God Himself.

  • The Lord has different names according to His different activities. For example, His name is Madhusüdana because He killed the demon of the name Madhu; His name is Govinda because He gives pleasure to the cows and to the senses

  • History is not another name for the past, as many people imply. It is the name for stories about the past.

  • War is death. If we are to engage in war, then we should have to stare it straight in the face and call it by its rightful name.

  • Zionism is nothing more, but also nothing less, than the Jewish People's sense of origin and destination in the Land linked eternally with its name. It is also the instrument whereby the Jewish Nation seeks an authentic fulfillment of itself.

  • Love taught me to die with dignity that I might come forth anew in splendor. Born once of flesh, then again of fire, I was reborn a third time to the sound of my name humming haikus in heaven’s mouth.

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