Gates McFadden famous quotes


  • Fear is born of Satan, and if we would only take time to think a moment we would see that everything Satan says is founded upon a falsehood.

  • Some of my academic friends think Ive fallen from a very special grace.

  • Nationality is the creative power of human culture, culture is the creative power of nationality.

  • In order to be universal, you have to be rooted in your own culture.

  • I'm of Nigerian descent, from the Yoruba tribe. Names are very significant in that culture. It basically states your purpose in life.

  • When you talk about rap you have to understand that rap is part of the Hip-Hop culture.

  • Since I've written many of my books from a less-than-sympathetic viewpoint, I think that being able to see things from all sides is a useful talent.

  • The value systems of those with access to power and of those far removed from such access cannot be the same. The viewpoint of the privileged is unlike that of the underprivileged.

  • From the viewpoint of analytic psychology, the theatre, aside from any aesthetic value, may be considered as an institution for the treatment of the mass complex.

  • All of us create our own versions of an event, of our lives, even, not because were liars, necessarily, but because we can only see and understand the truth from our own viewpoint, and a shifting viewpoint at that.