Belva Davis famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself, always a laborious business.

  • Are you really angry, or simply aware of anger in the body and mind? Don't speculate, simply look at what is there.

  • On the plains of hesitation lie the blackened bones of countless millions who at the dawn of victory lay down to rest, and in resting died.

  • No woman is really an insider in the institutions fathered by masculine consciousness. When we allow ourselves to believe we are, we lose touch with parts of ourselves defined as unacceptable by that consciousness; with the vital toughness and visionary strength of the angry grandmothers, the fierce market women of the Ibo's Women's War, the marriage-resisting women silk workers of pre-Revolutionary China, the millions of widows, midwives, and the women healers tortured and burned as witches for three centuries in Europe.

  • Man is a genius when he is dreaming.

  • Maturity: the confidence to have no opinions on many things.

  • Be fanatics. When it comes to being and doing and dreaming the best, be maniacs.

  • I dream of a true husband—a good man, not a brute, nor a champion of men on the battlefield; I dream but of a gentle man, one who neither speaks too loud nor ignores evil. I pray for such a like-minded mate, who will be ever for me like harmony to music, virtue to the soul, prosperity to the state, and forethought to the universe.

  • The environmentalist's dream is an egalitarian society based on: rejection of economic growth, a smaller population, eating lower on the food chain, consuming a lot less, and sharing a much lower level of resources much more equally.

  • Sleeping on it didn't make accepting it any easier. It seemed like a really bad dream.

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