Stephane Derenoncourt famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself, always a laborious business.

  • You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.

  • When I cannot understand my Father's leading, And it seems to be but hard and cruel fate, Still I hear that gentle whisper ever pleading, God is working, God is faithful-Only wait.

  • Freedom is never given; it is won.

  • Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

  • When Christ at Cana's feast by pow'r divine, Inspir'd cold water, with the warmth of wine, See! cry'd they while, in red'ning tide, it gush'd, The bashful stream hath seen its God and blush'd.

  • It's true, some wine improves with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place.

  • Bronze is the mirror of form, wine of the heart.

  • I was so thankful that my parents trusted me enough and had enough faith in my abilities to let me follow my passion and try to do something great, even if I might fail.

  • At the same time the Muslims are commanded to exercise self-restraint as much as possible. Force is a dangerous weapon. It may have to be used for self-defense or self-preservation, but we must always remember that self-restraint is pleasing in the eyes of Allah. Even when we are fighting, it should be for a principle not out of passion.