Ibn Sirin famous quotes


  • After the first few readings in comedy venues I did begin to write for laughs. There's something so gratifying about stimulating laughter.

  • Someone once defined humor as a way to keep from killing yourself. I keep my sense of humor and I stay alive.

  • Laughter springs from the lawless part of our nature, and is purifying only in so far as there is a natural and unschooled goodness in the human heart.

  • Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory.

  • In the midst of the sense of tragedy or loss, sometimes laughter is not only healing, it's a way of experiencing the person that you've lost again.

  • They who are sad find somehow sweetness in tears.

  • And still, laughter is akin to weeping.

  • we are nature. We are nature seeing nature. We are nature with a concept of nature. Nature weeping. Nature speaking of nature to nature.

  • Weeping must not hinder worship.

  • God listens to our weeping when the occasion itself is beyond our knowledge, but still within His love and power.