Raymond J. Donovan famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Make no mistake about it, you are dumb. You're a group of incredibly, well-educated dumb people. I was there. We all were there. You're barely functional. There are some screw-ups headed your way. I wish I could tell you that there was a trick to avoiding the screw-ups, but the screw-ups, they're a-coming for ya. It's a combination of life being unpredictable, and you being super dumb.

  • People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes.

  • Never do anything yourself that others can do for you.

  • I am not in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office.

  • I have an office full of product from brands trying to be in videos and an inbox full of songs from artists, but at the end of the day if the artist doesn't support the brand or it doesn't make sense for the song, then it will never work. What we do is try to pair them up so that both sides are happy.

  • We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.

  • It is not the office of a novelist to show us how to behave ourselves; it is not the business of fiction to teach us anything.

  • A mathematician's reputation rests on the number of bad proofs he has given.

  • Once established, reputations do not easily change.

  • It was delightful but, of course, it was pretty insulting to my professional reputation.

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