Johannes "Joh" Bjelke-Petersen famous quotes


  • People have their own opinions but sometimes with the media things get chopped up and cut around to make stories out of it.

  • Tell me, why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?.

  • But the weakness comes from these Westernised co-opted Muslim leaders who just want to look good in the eyes of the West and Western media.

  • [Propaganda] does not have multiple shadings; it has a positive and a negative; love or hate, right or wrong, truth or lie, never half this way and half that way...

  • If and when the whole world is secure, we have won a right to explore space, and the oceans. Until we have demonstrated that we can establish a productive and secure earth society, we do not belong anywhere else, nor (I suspect) would we be welcome elsewhere.

  • If and when we get married, only a completely opposite system will prevail.

  • Although my father is English, I was brought up in Australia.

  • I went to a lot of different high schools. I had quite a sporadic schooling experience. I went to school in England briefly, to boarding school, and I went to a few different ones in Australia as well. I'm really lucky! I have friends in most countries.

  • The previous generation, such as Alec Stewart and Nasser Hussain, lost to Australia on many occasions.

  • I couldn't imagine a better place [Australia] for making a film on the end of the world.

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