Theodorus Gaza famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Whenever I'm about to eat meat I always see my little dog's eyes.

  • Dogs are wise. They crawl away into a quiet corner and lick their wounds and do not rejoin the world until they are whole once more.

  • The very fact that the jaguar can become extinct while the Pekingese survives indicates to me that someone hasn't thought this thing through.

  • I take it, therefore, to be a fact, that one's existence ends with death. I think it possible to show how this fact can be emotionally acceptable.

  • I have neither time nor disposition to enter into discussion with the Friend, and end this occasion by suggesting for her consideration the question whether, if it be true that the Lord has appointed me to do the work she has indicated, it is not probable that he would have communicated knowledge of the fact to me as well as to her.

  • The coolest toys don't have to be bought; they can be built. In fact, sometimes the only way they'll ever exist is if you make them yourself.

  • War is the greatest failure of mankind.

  • The tie of language is perhaps the strongest and the most durable that can unite mankind.

  • If animals could speak, mankind would weep.

  • Faith is the wors curse of mankind, as the exact antithesis and enemy of thought.