David Naylor famous quotes


  • Those who can bring themselves to renounce wealth, position and power accruing from a social system based on violence and putting a premium on acquisitiveness, and to identify themselves in some real fashion with the struggle of the masses toward the light, may help in a measure - more, doubtless, by life than by words - to devise a more excellent way, a technique of social progress less crude, brutal, costly and slow than mankind has yet evolved.

  • Subtle, funny and touching, with a striking downbeat authenticity. Director Craig Zobel is the real thing.

  • There's something to be said in favor of working in isolation in the real world.

  • The death of any man aged 56 is very sad for his widow and family. And no one would deny that Steve Jobs was a brilliant and highly innovative technician, with great business flair and marketing ability.

  • The most powerful concept in marketing is owning a word in the prospects mind.

  • I was bitten by a brown recluse spider. It got me as I was coming out of the shower. I'd never seen that kind of spider before, I'm from Canada and we don't get those types up there.

  • The Spider as an Artist Has never been employed- Though his surpassing Merit Is freely certified.

  • I would rather be trampled by thousands of children than touch a spider.

  • Luck was with me. I saw no spiders. Luck was against me. I saw no specters.

  • Cole chuckled, saying, “Fear of spiders is arachnophobia, and fear of tight spaces is claustrophobia, but fear of Ali Bell is just called logic.

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