Dorothy Arzner famous quotes


  • In other words, the propositions of philosophy are not factual, but linguistic in character - that is, they do not describe the behaviour of physical, or even mental, objects; they express definitions, or the formal consequences of definitions. Accordingly we may say that philosophy is a department of logic. For we will see that the characteristic mark of a purely logical enquiry, is that it is concerned with the formal consequences of our definitions and not with questions of empirical fact.

  • Science has revealed that the human body is made up of millions and millions of atoms... For example, I am made up of 5.8x10^27 atoms.

  • I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way.

  • It is often wonderful how putting down on paper a clear statement of a case helps one to see, not perhaps the way out, but the way in.

  • How can we say nobody's perfect if there is no perfect to compare to? Perfection implies that there really is a right and wrong way to be. And what type of perfection is the best type? Moral perfection? Aesthetic? Physiological? Mental?

  • When I write something, I want the best director to direct it. And that's not going to be me.

  • There are so many elements that make a good film. You need a great director who's driving it.

  • David O. Russell is probably my favorite filmmaker. He's not only a great director, but he's also a great writer.

  • I'm a student. I want to do better, and I want directors who can find the actress in me and be my teachers. I'm interested in the whole process of editing, post-production and direction.

  • Well, if you ask any filmmaker how they got into it, everyone came a different route. Ive never actually watched another director work.