Christopher Benfey famous quotes


  • Come, come, come. Without a monster or two it's not a quest, merely a gaggle of friends wandering about.

  • Eagleton has spent his life inside two mental boxes, Catholicism and Marxism, of both of which he is a severe internal critic—that is, he frequently kicks and scratches at the inside of the boxes, but does not leave them. Neither are ideologies that loosen their grip easily, and people who need the security of adherence to a big dominating ideology, however much they kick and scratch but without daring to leave go, hold on to it every bit as tightly as it holds onto them. The result is of course strangulation, but alas not mutual strangulation: the ideology always wins.

  • One has to ascertain the right path for his activities by following in the footsteps of great saintly persons and books of knowledge under the guidance of a spiritual master.

  • Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.

  • The spiritual path is not one of attainment, but of return.

  • The past stands in the path of the future, knowing it will be crushed.

  • Religion without philosophy is sentiment, or sometimes fanaticism, while philosophy without religion is mental speculation.

  • Indian weddings are elaborate. As a culture, we like to celebrate everything Our weddings go on for sometimes a week, 10 days.

  • Sometimes healing comes after helping someone that is going through the same trauma you went through. Help yourself by helping others.

  • Not every song has to be about love and tenderness, sometimes you have those strictly physical feelings for somebody and it's okay to have those feelings.