Jackie Parker famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • God's irony: that in order to fight and defeat the threat of terrorism, we shall have to be clear about the principle of justice that allows us to understand what is evil in terrorism. And that principle of justice is the claim of justice that is inherent in every innocent human life. But if that claim was there in the Twin Towers, if it was there on the airplanes that those terrorists attacked, you explain to me why it is not there in the womb!

  • An automobile has about 10,000 moving parts, right? An airplane has two million, and it has to stay up in the air.

  • The pilot looked at his cues of attitude and speed and orientation and so on and responded as he would from the same cues in an airplane, but there was no way it flew the same. The simulators had showed us that.

  • You get some sleep, Abigail," Townsend told her. "I'll keep watch." "That's very gracious of you, but being that we're on an airplane..." Even after the plane took off, they kept debating security perimeters and protocols. I'm pretty sure they argued for forty-five minutes about where the best place for cappuccino was near the Colosseum.

  • I am the East. I have philosophies, I have religions, who would exchange them for airplanes?

  • It’s in how you carry yourself. I’ve always been a very mature person, and I’ve always known what I wanted. And I go after it no matter what.

  • I loved playing the guitar and I knew I was pretty good at it, so that's what I wanted to do with my life.

  • It was very clear to me I wanted to be an actor when I got out into civilian life.

  • I've always wanted to do a family movie.

  • Don't say the words I wanted to hear from Ren.

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