George Nolfi famous quotes


  • Life is just a chance to grow a soul.

  • The only morality in a cruel world is chance.

  • John Cross is feeling very boyish about Arsenal's chances

  • Failure comes when you don’t listen. You can’t put something out there and assume it’s great. It’s up to us to make sure we’re listening to improve our chances for success-if not this time, next time.

  • He had no chance of beating Schmeichel from there, but it was always worth a try.

  • If we stay where we are, where we're stuck, where we're comfortable and safe, we die there... When nothing new can get in, that's death.

  • A lot of positive psychology is stuck in being the psychology of privilege, and I reject that.

  • I'm not stuck in anybody's body. I'm me.

  • Things rarely get stuck because of lack of time. They get stuck because the doing of them has not been defined.

  • Everything was usual. That was depression: being stuck, clinging to an out-of-date version of oneself.