Raymond Sokolov famous quotes


  • If you remember the shape of your spoon at lunch, it has to be the wrong shape. The spoon and the letter are tools; one to take food from the bowl, the other to take information off the page... When it is a good design, the reader has to feel comfortable because the letter is both banal and beautiful.

  • The recent developments in cosmology strongly suggest that the universe may be the ultimate free lunch.

  • Fine - I said huffily. - But I hope I'm at least allowed to fly around the corridors during lunch hour. Gabriel threw me a disapproving look. I waited for him to get my joke, but his eyes remained serious. I sighed. Much as I loved him, Gabriel could be totally lacking in any sense of humor.

  • something about giving himself over to a woman was worse than having lunch with the devil...

  • Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch.

  • I don't know whether you have any rights before you're born. All I know is that being born again doesn't entitle you to twice as many.

  • Inculcating the various competing - competing, note - falsehoods of the major faiths into small children is a form of child abuse, and a scandal.

  • The work that Christ started but could not finish, I - Adolf Hitler - will conclude.

  • If the history of the American sentence were a John Ford movie, its second act would conclude with the young Ernest Hemingway walking into a saloon, finding an etiolated Henry James slumped at the bar in a haze of indecision, and shooting him dead.

  • Not all prisons have bars

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