Raymond Sokolov famous quotes
The Bar Room has a corner table placed strategically at a point diagonally across from the entrance. the table of tables in the setting of settings in the building of buildings. In the religion of lunch, this is the holy of holies.
-- Raymond Sokolov -
Manhattan is a narrow island off the coast of New Jersey devoted to the pursuit of lunch.
-- Raymond Sokolov -
To the chefs who pioneered the nouvelle cuisine in France, the ancienne cuisine they were rebelling against looked timeless, primordial, old as the hills. But the cookbook record proves that the haute cuisine codified early in this century by Escoffier barely goes back to Napoleon's time. Before that, French food is not recognizable as French to modern eyes. Europe's menu before 1700 was completely different from its menu after 1800, when national cuisines arose along with modern nations and national cultures.
-- Raymond Sokolov -
Sichuan food would not be Sichuanese without the hot chilies that arrived before 1700 from South America.
-- Raymond Sokolov -
Arthur Rimbaud was a disreputable, mean, ruthless, perverse, hateful wretch. He was also one of the greatest poets who ever lived.
-- Raymond Sokolov -
The noncook is in a helpless position, much like that of the car owner who can’t change a tire and has to depend on mechanics to keep his automobile running.
-- Raymond Sokolov -
Reservations and cloth napkins are really minor pinnacles in the high sierra of the New York lunch. The zenith, the Mount Whitney of lunches, the noon meal at which all local lines of force converge [is] the Bar Room of the Four Seasons.
-- Raymond Sokolov -
Only the river is free, always changing but always the same.
-- Raymond Sokolov
If you remember the shape of your spoon at lunch, it has to be the wrong shape. The spoon and the letter are tools; one to take food from the bowl, the other to take information off the page... When it is a good design, the reader has to feel comfortable because the letter is both banal and beautiful.
The recent developments in cosmology strongly suggest that the universe may be the ultimate free lunch.
Fine - I said huffily. - But I hope I'm at least allowed to fly around the corridors during lunch hour. Gabriel threw me a disapproving look. I waited for him to get my joke, but his eyes remained serious. I sighed. Much as I loved him, Gabriel could be totally lacking in any sense of humor.
something about giving himself over to a woman was worse than having lunch with the devil...
Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch.
I don't know whether you have any rights before you're born. All I know is that being born again doesn't entitle you to twice as many.
Inculcating the various competing - competing, note - falsehoods of the major faiths into small children is a form of child abuse, and a scandal.
The work that Christ started but could not finish, I - Adolf Hitler - will conclude.
If the history of the American sentence were a John Ford movie, its second act would conclude with the young Ernest Hemingway walking into a saloon, finding an etiolated Henry James slumped at the bar in a haze of indecision, and shooting him dead.
Not all prisons have bars
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