Jean-Louis Trintignant famous quotes


  • Of course, I'm not allowed to talk about the script, but I can say it is a really good story.

  • As far as I know, if you take your time, write a good script and make a good film, then give the audience time, they will accept it.

  • There is no such thing as a good script, onlya good film, and I'm conscious that my scripts often read better than they play.

  • I don't care if I get $50 million to do a film.

  • In the film business, it's basically honor among thieves.

  • If people are looking forward to my films, then I am happy, and I must be doing something right.

  • The creative urge is the demon that will not accept anything second rate.

  • I get people to truly accept themselves unconditionally, whether or not their therapist or anyone loves them.

  • There is nothing so wrong as accepting a thing merely because men who have done things say it should be so.

  • We should learn to accept that change is truly the only thing that's going on always, and learn to ride with it and enjoy it.