Catherine Destivelle famous quotes


  • Stars, I have seen them fall, But when they drop and die No star is lost at all From all the star-sown sky. The toil of all that be Helps not the primal fault; It rains into the sea And still the sea is salt.

  • The rain is plentious but, by God's decree, Only a third is meant for you and me; Two-thirds are taken by the growing things Or vanish Heavenward on vapour's wings: Nor does it mathematically fall With social equity on one and all. The population's habit is to grow In every region where the water's low: Nature is blamed for failings that are Man's, And well-run rivers have to change their plans.

  • You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string

  • I have stretched ropes from steeple to steeple; garlands from window to window; golden chains from star to star, and I dance.

  • they say in the old tales that when a man and woman exchange looks the way we did, their spirits mingle. their gaze is a rope of gold binding each other. even if they never meet again, they carry a little of the other with them always. they can never forget, and they can never be wholly happy again

  • To vindicate the sanctity of human life by taking it is an outrage upon reason. The spectacle of a human being dangling at the end of a gallows-rope is a degradation of humanity.

  • I've worn a dress at my wedding. I've worn 6-inch Louboutins. I've got no fear and no shame.

  • Once you learn to read the land, I have no fear of what you will do to it, or with it. And I know many pleasant things it will do to you.

  • With love that knew no fear, the Singer caught his torment, wrapped it all in song and gave it back to him as peace.

  • When you were in love you knew no fear or hatred.