Adelaide Hasse famous quotes


  • Friendship is that virtue by which spirits are bound by ties of love and sweetness and out of many are made one.

  • The precept to worship God 'in spirit and in truth' recommand to worship him as an inward and moral force, without physical attributes and with no relation to fears and egoist wishes.

  • I began to work the stage and get the audience into it. I also learned how to have fun out there. It is something I will never forget.

  • I'll never forget the day that I was told I would have to have a mastectomy. My reaction to the words was total denial.

  • You know...they say an elephant never forgets. What they don't tell you is, you never forget an elephant.

  • Even if you forget that´s not the same as if it never happened. The slate is not entirely wiped clean; you can´t reclaim the person you were beforehand; your state of innocence is not there to be retrieved.

  • Having you close like this makes me forget the reasons why this won’t work. We will never work.

  • Forget this world and all its troubles and if possible  its multitudinous Charlatans-- everything in short but  the Enchantress of Numbers.

  • The one word you should forget when you start a new project is the word 'I' - you need to replace that word 'I' with the idea of 'everybody else.

  • You know, London is so sprawling, and you can sometimes forget that anybody else is on a stage anywhere else.

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